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OpSec Platform

Revolutionizing Decentralized Application Deployment on IPFS

OneSec has been built to revolutionize the way decentralized applications are deployed on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) with a turnkey analytics solution. Using OneSec, users can deploy applications on IPFS without thinking about centralization and security while at the same time obtaining valuable insights for efficient performance as well as user engagement.

Understanding IPFS and the Need for Decentralized Content Delivery

Traditional content delivery networks (CDNs) rely on a centralized infrastructure, making them susceptible to single points of failure and potential censorship. Conversely, IPFS opts for a decentralized approach by distributing data across nodes in its network so as to eliminate these risks. This inventive method comprises some benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: High availability of data occurs due to replication across multiple nodes, which prevents unauthorized changes or attacks.
  • Improved Global Performance: By minimizing latency levels, people receive their information from nearby servers which enhances overall system efficiency.
  • Censorship Resistance: It is almost impossible to censor content stored in a decentralized manner hence promoting openness and accessibility.

Core Features of OneSec

IPFS Deployment

OneSec allows consumers to mount their apps on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a decentralized and distributed storage network. Applications are better positioned for availability, censorship resistance and reliability through IPFS, which ensures that users can access it seamlessly from anywhere in the world.

Analytics Dashboard

With OneSec, a fully-fledged analytics dashboard is provided for users. This incorporates real-time data visualization, analytics reports and key performance metrics monitoring tools with which users can keep track of performance trends to make informed choices relating to application optimization.

Customizable Metrics

Users using OneSec are able to tailor custom metrics that meet the peculiarities of their applications. For instance, OneSec offers customizable metrics for consumer behavior monitoring like user engagement rates, conversion rates, content popularity among other things. That level of personalization is critical in learning more about how an application performs.

Security and Privacy

In order to protect its consumers’ information as well as their analytical insights while ensuring privacy too, robust encryption protocols and access controls are implemented by OneSec. Sensitive information remains secure and confidential because end-to-end encryption is employed alongside privacy preserving analytics by this brand.

Custom Domain Integration

With OneSec, users can brand their content delivery networks (CDNs) with personal domains. This distinguishes the brand and makes the site more professional to everyone who views the content.

Version Control and Rollback

OneSec has a version control and rollback feature that allows people to manage changes in their contents effectively. This also enables users to maintain uniformity and consistency in delivering contents as they have an easy way of going back to previous versions or undoing what is done.

Collaboration Tools

OneSec has robust collaboration tools that encourage teamwork and coordination among various stakeholders involved in content deployment and management. For instance, productivity can be augmented by such features like user permissions, task assignments, or real-time collaboration that streamline operations for project teams.

Integration with Third-Party Services

By offering seamless integration with third-party services and platforms, OneSec ensures its users access additional functionalities and capabilities which enhance their approaches towards delivering content. These services include analytics platforms, content management systems (CMS), etc.

Advanced Caching Mechanisms

OneSec employs sophisticated caching mechanisms to enhance content delivery and improve performance for final consumers. By caching content frequently accessed by end users at the edge locations, OneSec reduces latency; optimizes bandwidth usage and improves the overall user experience.

Multi-Chain Support

For different reasons and tastes, OneSec offers many blockchain networks that can be used by its customers. Customers have multiple options when it comes to deploying their content on various chains thanks to multi-chain support enabled by OneSec. Content owners may want to use either Ethereum for its security features or Binance Smart Chain for scalability or Polkadot for its interoperability among others thus Multi-Chain Support is available in such cases.

How to Deploy Projects to OneSec

  1. Log onto your dashboard and navigate to Hosting
  2. Click on Add New Project
  3. Connect your Git Provider i.e GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab
  4. Tap on Authorize OpSec Flow
  5. Click on Install and Authorize
  6. Import the project you wish to deploy
  7. Configure your deployment:
    • Give your project a name
    • Select your project framework
    • Build Settings: This is where you set up your project build before it deploys with build commands.
      • npm run build or next build
      • contains the output of your project when you build/compile it
    • Install dependencies with command prompt npm install or yarn install
    • Insert the environment variables. This can be found in the .ENV file of your project folder
  8. Click on Deploy to get your project live


OneSec Beta v1 Launch Plan

We are excited to announce that the OneSec beta will officially start onboarding more users from our waitlist this weekend. This signifies the first 100 users. For those who submitted your email via GitHub, sign-in functionality will be granted shortly. We will be expanding thus to 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 and finally global access.

Beta Outline:

  • Free to Use: We have made the service completely free during this beta stage.
  • ENS Integration: Enjoy the added bonus of ENS integration among our beta features.
  • No Billing: All forms of billing have been removed for this phase.
  • $1000 Bounty: Report bugs and provide valuable feedback to earn up to $1000, depending on severity and value. OpSec Platform

As we collect user feedback and address any bugs, we will be preparing for the Beta v2 release, which will include new features and a transition to subscription plans, teams and ananlytics etc.

Please ensure you use the same email associated with your GitHub account to streamline the process of importing your projects to OneSec directly from GitHub.

Beta v1 (current)

  • Website Deployment to IPFS - Deploy static websites to IPFS, noting that backend server-side support is not available yet.
  • Builds (React, Angular, Astro, Brunch, Nextjs for client side) - in just 2 clicks
  • Build Log Management - Store build logs using Redis for real-time access and analysis.
  • Custom Environment Variables and Build Settings
  • Deployment History
  • Ethereum Name Service (ENS) Support - Allow users to link their websites to Ethereum Name System domains.
  • GitHub integration

Beta v2 (TBR)

  • Analytics (useage)
  • Subdomains
  • Offer custom domain services
  • Server-Side Deployment
  • Crypto Payments / Bandwidth
  • Basic Team Management